Counseling and Therapy
“Why should I go to therapy?”
Relationships are difficult. Dealing with yourself can also be difficult.
That’s been true for as long as humans have been around. So why are there so few solutions out there that work?
Self-help. Ted Talks. Podcasts. Social Media Influencers. Personality Tests.
The answer is the very thing that is keeping ourselves from using it as a solution:
Addressing myself in order to address my relationship to the world.
Counseling helps with this.
You might be asking:
“How does talking to a stranger help with my problems—Can’t I just fix them myself?”
Of course you can—And therapy encourages this READ MORE HERE
Treatment for:
Work stress and motivation
Betrayal and broken trust
Fear, trauma, and social problems
Sleep health, diet balance
Personality changes
Career and midlife changes
Sexual behavior and habits
Addictive behaviors
Phone consult: FREE
Initial Intake: $100 (normally $120)
All sessions after: $120 each
*17% LOWER than the current Avg Fee in Spring Hill*
The discount for the initial session refers to those who choose not to use their health insurance.
Click below to see about using health insurance for mental health treatment:
What to expect in therapy
“What are counseling sessions like?”
They are very normal and relaxed interactions. You don’t have to lay down on couches anymore. If you were to witness a session, it would simply look and sound like people having a discussion with each other. The truth is, however, that an experience is happening for the client that is much more than that—
It’s genuine treatment.
Your everyday experience is something like this: You have an inner-world (your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and beliefs) and you have an outer-world (your behavior). If you choose to express your inner-world to the outer-world you are allowing other people to interpret your thoughts/feelings/beliefs through your behavior. You get to choose how that goes by monitoring the process in real time. When we monitor our own behavior we do so from the inner-world trying to adjust or stay on track with what we want to say. This is how and why we form narratives and attitudes over time. We’re constructing parameters to efficiently interact with the world.
When you are in therapy, that human interaction process is intentionally collaborative and carefully structured to allow for clear self-monitoring and natural adjustments to your inner-world. You do the changes yourself because you become more aware of the whole process.
“What does the therapist actually do?”
Therapists are good listeners. They are also good reflectors—Not unlike a good mirror with a particular kind of frame. They take a lot of information coming from the client and they reflect back the more salient and profound things in order to help the client hear it from the other direction. This allows the information to be highlighted and focused-on.
The effect this has cannot be underestimated for its value.
Do therapists offer good advice? Sometimes, yes…But it is usually the client that is really driving the bus on this. The advice is really formed by the client themselves and it’s more a matter of allowing it to surface. There is a lot of power in allowing yourself to figure out your own problems! Therapists can help facilitate clients to express their own advice.
Therapists are also good at keeping your information confidential…In fact, there is really no treatment at all without the tight confidentiality in counseling—It builds trust and develops an alliance.
In this way, you are welcomed in as the co-collaborator for your own treatment.
Through all of this set up intentionally, therapists create a safe space to explore things you cannot explore elsewhere with other people.
“What eventually happens to me in counseling?”
Over the course of at least a few sessions, you may start to notice less of the symptoms that prompted you to look into therapy…goals are set and benchmarks are passed.
Increasingly, you will have more and more ability to take control over the original well-spring of toxic thoughts and troublesome feelings that brought you in…you may even start to feel lighter and more confident.
Eventually, your beliefs start to compliment your increased energy and support your brighter mood…you are creating a structure in your mind that turns the negative problems into positive experiences.
With some clients, a deeper sense of wisdom and broad perspective-shift is accomplished. A strong sense of discovering their authentic selves! This is no small thing!
The wonderful part about all of this is that you get to take it all with you! You are the one doing all of the “heavy lifting”—Learning how to be your own therapist. It is individualized, tailor-made lessons for your own inner-world and the ability to interact successfully with the collective outer-world around you!